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學歷:哈佛幼兒雙語教育專業認證經歷:台灣人,美國長大,從事英文教育超過15年, 因此對於英語教學作過很多研究,也使用過各種不同的教學方式。 我認為在非英語系國家的台灣,學英文的本質不應該是把它當作一個學科來學習,應該是要以學習一個可以用英文來溝通的技能及工具為出發點來學習

Our history


Skills Academy was established in 2015, We are committed to the development of immersive English environment for children who from 5-15 years old taught by native teachers.

Our philosophy is make the language to be a real communication tool ,for each student to develop and interact in the hopes that they too can connect to that larger world.

Our goal is to provide each student an environment in which they feel comfortable,involved,and encouraged The teaching strategy comes from”student center”, under the guidance of the teacher,students can practice a lot of oral interaction and able to continuously improve the average ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing through learning We also provide elite small class(4-12 students) teaching so that your children can be fully taken care of.

We currently own 3 campus located in the Taipei area(Tian-mu,Ren-ai,Xinchuang),We have great potential to develop the native English learning method with our learners.

  • 2015-2017

    Skills Academy HQ

  • 2017-2021

    Tian mu cram school

  • 2018-2021

    Ren-ai cram school

  • 2021-2021

    Xinchuang cram school


在一個周末的午後,教務長Steve透過朋友介紹認識了Allen,談到目前台灣教學體制下,不管是學校或者坊間補習班,英文教學往往離不開填鴨式、著重於拼音與文法的紙筆測驗,就算是課堂上的英語口說也多半是照著課本上的句子複誦。 學生可以用英文來「表達」自己的想法基本上機會不大。如此易導致學生雖然英文筆試很厲害,但遇到外國人突然會變啞巴或沒自信不大敢說英文。,相信也是很多父母親自己面臨到的問題,即便在全英文的兒美系統也是為了"證照取得"而必須增加背誦及記憶單字的時間,對於表達也是逐漸缺少練習,如果語言學習無法開口,未來進入職場如何應用?於是強調表達的思奇品牌建立的概念油然而生。


Company Mission:Lead kids to express what they are thinking.我們致力於教導孩子用英文表達想法,以英文作為溝通的技能及工具為出發點來學習.我們想提供地不僅僅是全英文環境教學,唯有以"Student centered"的教學模式,藉由老師的引導讓孩子勇於表達,課堂中老師40%,學生60%的比例讓孩子習慣開口表達,慣性的練習讓Brainstorming成為孩子的學習基因,才能奠定基礎教育,讓未來的英文學習能夠向上銜接.
