Skills Academy Tian-Mu is now enrolling students for our Spanish class, starting in August. Our professional native Spanish Teacher has many years of teaching experience.
Learn Spanish through the most dynamic and fun teaching style! Spanish is a great choice for your child’s second international language choice.
Classes are open for elementary school-aged students who have no previous Spanish experience.
Check out more details below, and please contact us with more questions.
Date & Time: Wednesdays starting August 7th, 2019 (三) 15:30-16:30 or 16:30-17:30
Total number of classes: a total of 12 classes
Tuition fees: classes 8,400 NTD + textbook 1,300NTD*
To complete the registration process, please submit the registration form below or give us a call, 02 2835 3301.
Register here:
*The textbook is normally 1300NTD. If you register before August, you will receive a 10% discount.
日期與時間: 2019/8/7(三) 15:30-16:30 or 16:30-17:30
總堂數: 12 堂
學費: 8,400 NTD + 教材費1,300NTD
請填寫以下google 報名表或來電報名,並收到匯款通知後請與三日內匯款
After your registration, please contact 02 2835 3301 /!