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Mandarin Classes Beginning in July


The Skills Academy Tian-Mu is now registering students for Mandarin classes!

Our professional Chinese language teacher has more than 30 years of experience, and a specially designed course to build a solid foundation in Mandarin. We believe that if you learn the phonetic symbols first, not only can you speak standard Mandarin, but you can greatly improve your reading ability.

The course covers all the essential fundamentals, from phonetic symbols, rhymes, tones, and spelling to short essay reading.

With a lively teaching style, children can master Pinyin and be on their way to character reading!

Classes begin July 22nd and are open to elementary-aged students. The class will run twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays, 15:30-17:00.

To register, click here : https://forms.gle/Wjzr7s9HAo3GJsFS6

More Details:

-Classes will be twice a week, 1.5 hours each class.
-A total of 28 classes (3.5 months)
-Tuition fee is 27,300 NTD (including textbook)
-Covers: 37 phonetic symbols, rhymes, tones, spelling to short
essay reading


8/9 每週三 和每週五 3:30-5:00
8/17 每週六 1:30 – 3:00
華語兒童正音班 7/22 熱烈招生中
課程中從注音符號、聲韻、聲調、拼讀延伸至短文閱讀 ,
搭配活潑的教學方式提升孩子的學習興趣 強化發音基礎 並提升閱讀能力。

小班教學 名額有限 詳情請洽分校

For more information, call or email today!

Phone: 02 2835 3301

Email: skillsacademy.tw@gmail.com
